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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Meadowland’s operating hours?
Classes are from 8:30-11:30 Monday-Friday. We do not have afternoon classes. Classes start in September and end for the year in May. There are no Summer classes.

Does Meadowland offer transportation?
Meadowland does not offer transportation, however parents can arrange transportation with Clinton Transit (Blue Bus). For more information click here. CLINTON TRANSIT

Does Meadowland provide snacks/meals?
Meadowland does provide a morning snack. Parents do not have to provide anything (unless they choose to for allergy purposes).
4. What is the teacher to student ratio?
Meadowland is licensed for 28 children 3 to 5 years old. Our ratio is 7 children per 1 adult. Each class has one lead teacher and three aides.


How much is tuition?
Meadowland charges $16 a day Monday-Thursday and $17 a day for Friday. There is a once a year enrollment fee of $80.
6. Are classroom tours available?
Yes, we would be happy to give you a tour of Meadowland. Please call ahead to set up an appointment.

Are there any sibling discounts?
Meadowland offers a 10% discount for siblings who are enrolled together.


Are there any upcoming events?
Meadowland has an open house before school starts each fall. The open house for Fall 2025 is September 4th from 3pm to 6pm.


Is Meadowland a religious based preschool?
No, Meadowland is not religious based. We just rent rooms from the church.


What sets Meadowland Preschool apart from other preschools?
Meadowland is a licensed play-based preschool set up in four spacious rooms we rent from Pilgrim Church. Not only do we have spacious rooms, we also have a full size gym and a big playground. Meadowland has been open for over 40 years and we have well trained and experienced teachers/aides. We offer a 2-year curriculum with new and unique activities each day. Our daily activities include: Music, art, games, dramatic play, large-and-small-muscle-skills practice, social skills, independence building, language arts, science, math skills practice, creativity and imagination building, just to name a few.

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